The story of the creation of the magic cube

 The story of the creation of the magic cube

 The famous Rubik's Cube passed through several stages before it gained worldwide fame,

and here is the story of its creation: The beginning of the story in 1974 AD, Erno Rubik, a professor from Budapest in Hungary, wanted to help his students of architecture understand the three-dimensional problems that they might face, He created a moving piece of art that was a 6-sided model that twisted, rotated and didn't break. He added 54 colorful stickers to the six sides that gave the model its iconic look and called it the "Magic Cube".

Invention path:

 Erno Rubik explained that after creating the cube, he faced a second challenge, how to solve it, as he had no idea at the time whether it was possible to return his cube to its place at all, and how long it would take to do so, and indeed it took an entire month to solve his puzzle as “It was very difficult to find your way back, or to find your goal, just to solve it as an integrative problem and I had no background on it, because I was the first to try to solve it,” he said.

How did this game spread?

Before 1975, puzzles were just a small segment of the total game market and could only be found in souvenir and specialized stores. Thinking of the puzzle as a game was a new concept, so Rubik described the cube in his submission to the Hungarian Patent Office as a “spatial logical game.” .

 The cube first appeared in Hungarian toy stores in 1977, and reached international toy fairs such as the Nuremberg Toy Fair in 1979, where it was discovered by Tom Kramer, the marketer who brought the concept of the Rubik's cube to the ideal toys company in the United States, which in turn adopted the cube and by the early eighties The cube appeared in American television advertisements, and became a star in an animated series in 1983 titled "The Amazing Rubik's Cube".

Features of this game:

Although it employs and attracts all mathematical skills and logic, the cube's wide popularity may be rooted in its nearly infinite number of possible solutions, as Rubik wrote in his famous book: "One of the cube's most enigmatic features, is that the end turns into new beginnings. "

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